Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Give your Best!

Thanks for the prayers and concern for my one year old son. Most of you know we spent the night with him getting a major gash in his nose fixed. He did great and will be fine. What you don't know is this.

My one year old received a major ncut to his nose while playing with a few friends. He was in the wrong place and a large toy hit him in the face that was accidentally dropped by a child while he was trying to take it up stairs. We had some great friends over and they stayed with my older children till my mom could come over and stay. We were at the local hospital within 20 minutes of his injury. The local Dr. quickly referred us to Children's as they were not able to do what they felt needed to be done. Time was of the essence.

My wife and I wisk him away to Birmingham. Not even out of the county, our van overheats and I am forced to pull over and wait on help to arrive. Never before had the van overheated. Could've had something to do with my foot stuck through the floor board as I had been self appointed ambulance driver for my son. Regardless, we are stuck there, feeling helpless. We prayed and gave our best to remain calm and think this through. Called Cliff Cook, my fellow Pastor at NCBC. Without hesititation, he came and gave me his car to use while he sat stranded and waited on my Dad who also came without question or hesitationt to the rescue. They gave their best. We got our son to the ER and they soon took us back in and started working on him.

The specialist came in and immediately referenced his dependance upon Christ. We then prayed together. This brother and I have close connected friends we soon found out, and he is possibly going to Nicaragua with us now on our medical mission trip in October of 2011. He allowed us to stay in the room as they gave my son anesthesia and started the delicate process of repairing his little nose. Once again we were helpless and could only pray. Going under anesthesia is a scary thing for anyone and for parents who have to make that call. Christ was our only hope. We prayed like parents who love their son.

The Dr. took great concern and detail in all that he was doing. His focus was on giving his best. It was very delicate fine tuned work. The Dr. gave his best. Last night that was everyone's focus. From our friends and children who without being asked began to comfort one another and gather little brothers comfort items like his pacifer and blanket. They knew he would need these things and rushed them to the van before we left. They are great brothers and sisters! They gave their best to help.

Last night, we were reminded that we are not in control. We like to think we are but when you slow down, you realize you are not. We do have responsibility but ultimately, we rely on the love of God for us to see us through this light affliction. Little brother happily relied on his Momma and Daddy and the nurses and Dr.'s to help him. It was not easy or painless, but he made it through just fine. He gave his best.

Even though things are difficult and days are not certain. I urge you to give your best to the Lord and eveything you do. You never know when you will be required to react and your best will be needed. If you are accustomed to giving your best, you will be ready for what you must face. Laziness, apathy, and average is not what we are called to give for our Lord. He is not impressed with the scraps...He deserves and wants the best! Thank you friends for praying your best and giving your best to the Lord Jesus Christ!