Do you have a zeal for God today? Does your actions relay to God and others the condition of your heart?
Zeal is defined as enthusiastic devotion or care to or for a cause. In many instances, our zeal is for our job or our hobby, or other causes. It is easy to find oneself influencing others for these causes and not influencing others for Christ isn't it? I pray that God uses me to influence othes in their devotion and love for God. That God would use my feeble efforts to stir up love for other believers.
Our enthusiasm has the ability to stir others into action. (2 Corinthians 9:2)
I am constantly reminded that my zeal should not be born out of a selfish desire, but out of a love for Christ and others. This type of zeal will help you to develop a hatred for those things that oppose Christ, such as sin in my own life. I desire to be used by Christ for God's glory!
James 5:19-20, "My brothers, if anyone among you wanders fromt he truth and someone brings him back, let him know that whoever brings a sinner back from his wandering will save his soul from death and will cover a multitude of sins."
I need to be encouraged and I do this by encouraging those that read this post. It is good to be zealous for Christ and to see souls saved. Yes, it is only God who can save but it is God's will that we are used as the ones who bring the message of Christ! Today, go and witness to the world of the grace of God and give each person a personal warning, encouragement, and invitation to come to God through Christ and Christ alone!
Very encouraging! Thank you! :0)