Yes. We are told by God to fight for the faith. But it is not with weapons of man but with His Word!
I am encouraged to see the number of pastors and itinerate preachers that are standing up for the faith. Many of them have encouraged me. I wish that I could say that I didn’t get discouraged at times; however, God’s Word is like a burning fire in my soul, and I am compelled to preach the Word every chance I get. For years I was discouraged at the manipulation and inaccurate handling of the Word of God. I have found that there are many who are preaching truth.
I am currently doing a series in Jude along with Bro. Cliff Cook at New Covenant Baptist Church. It has been very challenging and encouraging to me to study this book intently. There is as much of a need now for Jude to be preached as ever in the history of the world. I am reminded of that as I travel around this country preaching the Gospel. It is shocking to me at how many of the pastors do not want you to address the obvious sin in the churches they are supposed to be shepherding but to just brush it aside like it is nothing.
Friend, we need to contend for the faith! When I read Jude’s encouragement to the church to be contenders for the faith, I do not see that he did it with any arrogance at all or not even in a dominating way. He was very mild, sweet, and gentle in his encouragement. He could have been demanding but he, like any good pastor, wanted people to see the urgency for standing for truth be birthed in the heart of his people.
Yes, there is a battle cry going out today, and I urge you to stand for truth. As Christians, we do not take joy in being militant. It is not something we do out of personal anger but out of obedience. It is a trap to be proud when you find fault with other believers. But the humble servant realizes that he/she must watch his/her own heart because it tends to wander. None of us are anything apart from Christ!
It is because we are nothing that we must trust in the ONE who is everything! Christ has been revealed through God’s Word. This Word, the Bible, is in its fullness and inerrancy. It has been given to us and will not be given again in the form of a “new” word or form. It never was or ever shall be changed! The same Savior of man, the same Mediator between God and man, Jesus Christ, is the same yesterday, today, and forever. He was the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world. Jesus is the only Lamb of God that can take away the sins of the world.
We are not in a wrestling match over ideologies and methods. This is not a debate to see who is most clever. It is not a game. It is a “purposeful struggle” to protect the truth and unleash it against the enemy. We do this with the hope that God may use us in His purpose to rescue some lost soul that has been trapped by darkness and living in a Satanic delusion. So, with that said, I beg you to pray for souls! Pray for me that I may stay the course and contend for the faith!
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