Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Impact Missions by: M.U.D.

Since M.U.D. Ministries began, we have had one vision: To do God’s Work, God’s Way, for God’s Glory! We strive to do this through Biblical-evangelism, God-honoring missions, and Christ-centered discipleship. One of the ways we accomplish this is through state-side missions that we call IMPACT MISSIONS!
This July we will be mobilizing 400 short term missionaries for a weeklong mission project right here in the southeastern United States. On July 5th—10th, we will converge on Fort Payne, AL. This community was hit by a tornado in April, and there are still many people that need help getting back on their feet. We are working with the Dekalb County Baptist Association to minister to people that have a need. The missionaries will also be doing “Back Yard Bible Clubs” in different locations in the county. Some of the team members will be involved in light construction projects while others will be involved in ministry projects, sharing the Gospel with an entire community. We thank the Lord for Minvale Baptist, our host church. Please pray for them as they host these participants! Please pray for these missionaries and the families they will be serving!
Since Hurricane Katrina devastated the city of New Orleans, we have been on the scene taking mission teams to serve those in this area. In July, we are leading 2 projects: July 18th—24th and July 25th –28th. God has allowed us to mobilize over 1000 people to share the Gospel in this city. We provide detailed coordination and are working with more than 25 churches. Recently, I met with 15 pastors, and we have a solid strategy to go into this city in July and share the hope of Jesus Christ with the hundreds of people we will meet. I have been asked why I would go to “Sin City” to do mission work. I think this name in itself gives the reason why I go! Their only hope is Christ! Only Christ can change them! Jesus never saved anyone He didn’t change!
In each of these God-honoring mission opportunities, we have trained the participants in Biblical Evangelism. They have been trained to share the Gospel with anyone they meet. Each evening, they will gather together for a time of worship and Christ-centered discipleship. The teaching is focused, intense, and Bible-saturated! Our prayer is that God will encourage these missionaries to take the Gospel back to their homes and cities the way God intended!
Pray that the Lord would use us to impact someone’s life for eternity. If you are interested in going with us or even helping send us to these mission fields, it would be a huge blessing. Thank you for your prayers and partnerships. Please contact Shawn Doss at if you are interested in serving along side us!!

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