This is the last day for this group of missionaries to serve the Lord in New Orleans through Impact. We have had a tremendous week and I think more people have shared the Gospel than ever before. We have had missionaries from Ohio, Florida, Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana, and Tennessee serving with us this week! I am proud of each individual and of the churches for preparing their people for missions. The teams will serve till 4 PM this afternoon and then have a celebration service at 7:30 PM. This will be a time when we get some actual idea of how many people actually were witnessed to over the week.
These individuals were not seeking numbers, they were seeking souls. the only way to win a soul is to share the Gospel. Some people do not want to hear this message but God has commanded us to share the Gospel. It was a aroma of life unto life for many and for some, death unto death. However, we were triumphant in our battle because we served for our King.
Impact Missions is a band of soldiers who are called by God to obey His every command. We are in a war! It is a war for truth and for souls. We are unique soldiers in that we are not called to war to kill....but to save. There is room for more soldiers, we are praying that God would stir you to serve in this battle. If not with us, with another Gon-honoring ministry. I do pray for workers for the fields, they are white for harvest!!
Sunday, another band of Soldiers will come in and go to battle along side us. Pray for them and keep checking for updates!!
Praying for everyone!