Sunday, July 25, 2010


Our prayer is that God would bring a lasting revival to our nation. The Churches in North America do a lot in the name of evangelism and worship; the question is, though, “Do people really want lasting revival?” Almost every time I will hear a resounding, “YES!” But how much are we willing to pay for it? I’m not talking about money, friend;...I’m talking about our lives. I honestly believe that anything less than giving our lives for service to our King will not do.

Where does our very best go? What do we do with our time, resources, our prayers? For many, Christianity is just part of their lives. When honestly evaluated, they find that it is more about morals than missions. What we must be reminded of constantly is the fact that we are not our own. God has created us for His glory, and we must take a close look at our lives to see if we are striving to give God our very best. If God answered all your prayers for the past 30 days, would it change the world. . . or just your world? This reveals our hearts, doesn’t it?

M.U.D. Ministries partners with hundreds of people that are members of local churches each year that come and give of their time and energy to serve others in the name of Jesus. We spend a lot of time preparing and praying because we are faced with the calling to “go and make disciples,” and it is becoming increasingly difficult in our culture to do that. There are some who literally act as if they have salvation coming to them. As if because we are Americans, we deserve it. God help us! Break our hearts Lord that we would repent of this kind of spiritual arrogance. If we do not repent and do God’s work, God’s way, we will reap what we sow. I pray you will glorify God by being obedient to His Word!

The only hope that our country has is Jesus! He is more than what we need; He is all we have. Many people look at the past as if it offers no relevant value. This is especially so in this generation of tolerance and technology. Even among many who say they are Christians, there is a subtle rejection of historic Christianity, at the expense of remaining relevant and following shallow, trendy fads. I assure you, God will never say He is pleased with that. What will please God? What will offer hope to this nation that is in utter disarray? I believe that we must repent and humbly turn our lives away from self and turn it to Christ. Obey God’s Word, and you will live. Reject His Word and settle for a wasted life. Jesus Christ is our only hope!

Right now, I ask you to pray and ask God how you can be involved in His work. Some are called to go, some are called to give, some are called to give and go. You do your best!

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